"Disney Channel is an American pay television channel that serves as the flagship property of Disney Branded Television, a unit of the Disney General Entertainment Content division of The Walt Disney Company. The channel was originally called The Disney Channel from 1983 to 1997, then shortened to "Disney" from 1997 to 2002, until settling with "Disney Channel".
Disney Channel's programming consists of original first-run television series, theatrically released and original made-for-TV movies and select other third-party programming. Disney Channel–which formerly operated as a premium service–originally marketed its programs towards families during the 1980s, and later to younger children by the 2000s.
As of May 2022, Disney Channel is available on basic cable and satellite in over 88 million homes in the US and to millions worldwide. Disney Channel-branded content spans television, online, mobile, VOD platforms, and the DisneyNOW app. There are 46 Disney Channels available in 33 languages worldwide."
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